Scent Blazer customer Nick Czerok reports from Florida on a great day's fishing
Just wanted to give you guys an update. We went out looking for Wahoos yesterday Mar 11th. Used the large squid color combo with ballyhoo inside the chum cavity. Landed a real nice Wahoo. Your lures really work great. Downside is he literally chewed it to pieces and I will need to order anther one. :) Thanks for the support.
We received some fantastic photos of catches with Scent Blazer lures this month and so awarded two prize packs of Scent Blazer lures and teasers to: Pierre-luc Atectam for his brilliant video and photos of his 160lb Blue Marlin caught off Reunion Island and to Nick Czerok for his Wahoo picture. Great photos!
Nick Czerok - Searok Sport Fishing Charters